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Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers
Cemetery Flowers - October 31, 2004


Okay, all you guys out there will just have to indulge me here; after all, I'm the only thing that's important, right? My needs first, right? Damn straight - right on! As you know, flowers are my passion, so much so that I have opened this new chamber in my Halloween's Unseen nightmare called Cemetery Flowers. The flowers on graves that you will see will be seasonal in nature, that is my purpose. I absolutely love all holiday seasons and I will feed my passion here on these pages. I hope you have an inspirational moment or two, and yes, I do mean you, all you big gorgeous men out there that I love so dear. Go ahead and admit it, you love flowers too! Luv me, luv my flowers, Janet

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

Cemetery Flowers

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